This is the missing piece in the end-to-end view of the Disruptor. Brace yourselves, it's quite long. But I decided to keep it in a single blog so you could have the context in one place. The important areas are: not wrapping the ring; informing the consumers; batching for producers; and how multiple producers work. ProducerBarriers The Disruptor code has interfaces and helper classes for the Consumer s, but there's no interface for your producer, the thing that writes to the ring buffer. That's because nothing else needs to access your producer, only you need to know about it. However, like the consuming side, a ProducerBarrier is created by the ring buffer and your producer will use this to write to it. Writing to the ring buffer involves a two-phase commit. First, your producer has to claim the next slot on the buffer. Then, when the producer has finished writing to the slot, it will call commit on the ProducerBarrier . So let's look at...
I like the sneaky switch to JVM for twitter :)