So if java generics slightly disappointed me lately , what have I found cool? I'm currently working on a web application using Spring MVC , which probably doesn't come as a big surprise, it seems to be all the rage these days. Since this is my baby, I got to call the shots as to a lot of the framework choices. When it came to looking at implementing validation, I refused to believe I'd have to go through the primitive process of looking at all the values on the request and deciding if they pass muster, with some huge if statement. Even with Spring's rather marvelous binding and validation mechanisms to take the worst of the tasks off you, it still looked like it would be a bit of a chore. Given all the cool things you can do with AOP etc I figured someone somewhere must've implemented an annotations-based validation plugin for Spring. And they have . And there's actually a reasonable amount of information about how to set it up and get it working. The pr...